Monday, April 19, 2010

gscribble + blogger


Its been long I had been expecting Blogger support for Roshan Singh's gscribble.

This weekend Roshan sent me an RPM, and told me to test it. So that is what I am doing right now.

It fetches all my recent posts, and gives me an option to edit it. Although I do not get to see pictures in the 'Visual' mode.

Also it would have been great if I was able to write/edit my posts directly from the 'Visual' tab.

I see the gscribble logo I had made for Roshan on the notification area. Clicking it hides the gscribble window. Clicking it again, revives the window, but the tab switches to 'Visual' and the 'Categories' pane has to be resized again.

Now I'm going to publish this blog, but I see two buttons below: 'Post' and 'Publish'. Which one to click?

Posted from GScribble.


Anonymous said...

Post is for posting and not publishing, it will save a draft of what you post, and publish will do what it suggests.

* Other points noted

$hRiNk said...

Change 'Post' to 'Save Draft' or something which is more clear.

Anonymous said...
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